Gen Z: A New Era of Eco-Activism

By Cierra Schneller

Generation Z is advocating for greater sustainability on the Earth. Gen Z recognizes the lack of action from older generations in addressing environmental issues, and feels it is their responsibility to act and instigate change. A significant generation gap exists regarding environmental consciousness.

This generation is changing what they buy, who they buy from, and supporting brands who have more sustainable and ethical values.

So, what is Gen Z doing instead?

It is more common for teens to mid-20s to buy from thrifts stores such as Savers: Second Hand Used Clothing Thrift & Vintage Store. This stems from the belief that opting for secondhand goods is a more sustainable choice compared to purchasing items from branded stores. If consumers stop buying from these brands, it necessitates a shift in their production practices, leading to reduced output of the product.

The major brand stores ought to transition their production methods toward more sustainable practices, such as repurposing donated textiles or implementing a program allowing customers to return products instead of them ending up in landfills. In 2018, textile waste was at 17 million tons, therefore, shopping secondhand will help because there will be less textile waste on the Earth.

This number increased since 2018 due to more fast fashion businesses becoming more popular such as SHEIN.

Recently, Generation Z has come to recognize that the desire for excessive consumption is detrimental to the environment. A recent trend known as the “Stanley craze,” particularly popular among younger women, involves collecting Stanleys. While some individuals within Generation Z participate in this trend, the majority disapproves of the culture of overconsumption it represents.

Purchasing identical water bottles solely for the sake of possession will eventually result in unnecessary waste. In this situation, there is an intersection where something can be both green (reusable) and unsustainable (overconsumption).

The average person should only use one water bottle until they replace it or it breaks.

A few brands that practice sustainability that Gen Z is supporting

  • Grove Collaborative: reduces their carbon footprint and is aiming to be plastic free by 2025.
  • Blueland: an alternative to single-use cleaning supplies.
  • Tru Earth: offsets their carbon emissions, vegan-based, and sells alternative eco-friendly products such as laundry detergent sheets.

Not everyone advocates for a sustainable Earth including some Gen Zers

Many people are unaware of how they can contribute to environmental efforts and support Generation Z in their sustainability movement. The shift towards sustainability is relatively recent and often receives limited news coverage.

Some individuals choose not to participate in environmental efforts because they doubt its impact on the Earth. This sentiment is particularly prevalent among older generations, who perceive themselves as less affected due to their shorter remaining lifespans. In contrast, younger generations recognize that environmental degradation will directly impact them and future generations. Historically, activism has long been synonymous with youth culture, especially through the sustainability movement.      

A few more reasons:

  • Older generations typically have environmental skepticism due to not believing what environmentalist say about how the Earth is changing.  
  • Certain individuals believe that adopting sustainable practices is costlier than sticking to their usual products.
  • Experience from living in different eras to compare the environmental issues.

What does being environmentally sustainable actually mean?

Environmental sustainability refers to the people and its willingness to change their ways of life to develop more eco-friendly practices. This helps future generations to be able to thrive while protecting habitats, reducing pollutions and developing advance technologies.

Overall, Generation Z is driving significant shifts in sustainability through conscious choices in what they buy and who they support. By challenging overconsumption and advocating for environmentally friendly alternatives, they are not only shaping their own consumer habits but also influencing broader societal attitudes towards sustainability. As this generation continues to prioritize environmental responsibility, the impact on industries and global sustainability efforts is likely to be profound.

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